Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Niçoise salad

Niçoise Salad

Acutually, both are non-traditional Niçoise Salad, especially the second one.
To my knowledge, the traditional Niçoise consists of lettuce, canned tuna(in oil), hard-boiled eggs, tomato, olives, green beans, and anchovies. Sometimes potatoes, artichoke hearts and red pepper might be added too.

I am not a canned tuna fan, I prefer raw or seared tuna, and don't like hard boiled eggs either, I dislike the egg yolk hard-boiled, I like it still soft, such as coddled egg. And I did not add anchovies in my salad.

The first one, I did add green beans, but they were hiding under the mixed greens, and the second one, i used strawberries instead of tomatoes (cuz I had two boxes of strawberries in my fridge). I was kinda worried about if it would be weird, but it was actually quite tasty!

The first one was made months ago, and the second one was my dinner today. Both were very good. Although I'm not quite into olives, somehow I really like Niçoise Salad. Maybe next time I'll try tinned tuna, maybe, I'm just saying maybe. :P

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